Ethical Commitment and caregiver support
MedicSignal is serious about respecting and promoting independence and fostering family relationships. Cutting edge technology alerts loved ones and carers in the instance of difficulty or uncertainty. Watch wearers choose the information that is shared.
MedicSignal believes fair and ethical practices are fundamental to our core operations. To be successful, MedicSignal must achieve and maintain a high level of public trust and respect. This trust can be sustained only when we adhere to the highest standard of ethical behaviour.
Your freedom and autonomy is our priority
Ethical conduct in all we do at Medic Signal is the most important core value for our community.

We are committed to:
Maximising the autonomy of wearers of MedicSignal watches
Preserving confidentiality
Dealing with others honestly and in good faith
Providing a quality service
Avoiding conflicts of interest and complying with legal requirements
If you would like more information about our ethics in action, or would like to discuss any associated concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our quality team for assistance.